jsq加速器 |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on 7gqnp1.wcbzw.com. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact mailman@7gqnp1.wcbzw.com. |
List | Description |
amd-gfx | Discussion list for AMD gfx |
Androgenizer | [no description available] |
announce | 佛跳墙:除了泄露数据的 VPN,DNS 测试工具也不靠谱:2021-2-27 · 近些年来,用户越来越注重隐私的保护,因此 VPN(无论免费还是付费)成了许多人接触网络世界的密匙。不过,许多人用起 VPN 来是病急乱投医,因此坏分子伔也打起了坏主意,他伔盯上了你的数据,而且让人无语的是,VPN 上的数据泄露都是偷偷摸摸的,如果不用工具测试都无法发现黑客伔在背后 ... |
佛跳墙ss官网 | Discussion of the apitrace tool |
APOC | APOC, the centralized desktop profile manager |
AppStream | [no description available] |
Appsummit | 佛跳墙vnP |
Authentication | Cross-desktop authentication and single sign-on |
avahi | Avahi ML |
Beignet | 佛跳墙:除了泄露数据的 VPN,DNS 测试工具也不靠谱:2021-2-27 · 近些年来,用户越来越注重隐私的保护,因此 VPN(无论免费还是付费)成了许多人接触网络世界的密匙。不过,许多人用起 VPN 来是病急乱投医,因此坏分子伔也打起了坏主意,他伔盯上了你的数据,而且让人无语的是,VPN 上的数据泄露都是偷偷摸摸的,如果不用工具测试都无法发现黑客伔在背后 ... |
佛 跳墙 | Discussions on bidirectional scripts and layouts |
跳墙vp | The C CSS library |
佛跳墙ss官网 | Mailing list to discuss clipart webpage and contributions |
Cogl | [no description available] |
colord | Mailing list for discussions about colord |
compiz | compiz mailing list |
conduct | Reports of unacceptable conduct |
ConsoleKit | [no description available] |
CREATE | Create is about sharing resources between Free and Open Source Creative Projects. |
Cut-and-paste | [no description available] |
dbus | [no description available] |
DejaVu-bugs | 聚春园佛跳墙酒楼(福州市) - 餐厅/美食点评 - Tripadvisor:2021-11-24 · 聚春园佛跳墙酒楼(福州市): 读读41条条关于聚春园佛跳墙酒楼客观公正的美食点评,在Tripadvisor的5分满分评等中得4分,在福州市的863家餐厅中排第2名。 |
devkit-devel | udisks/upower development list |
dim-tools | DRM maintainer tools announcements, discussion, and development |
Distributions | Discussions and collaboration between distributions |
dolt | [no description available] |
dri-devel | Direct Rendering Infrastructure - Development |
dri-egl | discussion of the EGL implementation for DRI |
dri-patches | Direct Rendering Infrastructure - Patches |
dri-users | Direct Rendering Infrastructure - Users |
etnaviv | [no description available] |
Exempi-devel | 聚春园佛跳墙酒楼(福州市) - 餐厅/美食点评 - Tripadvisor:2021-11-24 · 聚春园佛跳墙酒楼(福州市): 读读41条条关于聚春园佛跳墙酒楼客观公正的美食点评,在Tripadvisor的5分满分评等中得4分,在福州市的863家餐厅中排第2名。 |
佛跳墙v2.1.1 | Graphics stack testing/benchmarking utility |
farsight-commits | Commits for the farsight project |
Farstream-commits | Commits for the Farstream project |
Farstream-devel | Farstream developement list |
Flathub-Admins | Flatpak build and hosting service |
Flatpak | Discussions about Flatpak and related projects |
Fontconfig | Font configuration and customization |
Fontconfig-bugs | fontconfig bugs (read-only) |
Fontforge | [no description available] |
fprint | 佛跳墙的由来 - 禅问网:2021-1-29 · 佛跳墙的由来 - 佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,它的创始人是清朝光绪年间的大厨郑春发。佛跳墙是一道中国名菜,制作工序十分繁琐。制作佛跳墙的原料有鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、鹌鹑蛋等十几种,为了保障最后的口感要先将这些食材分别处理烹制,... |
佛 跳墙 | General discussion about freedesktop.org |
Freedesktop-sdk | Tiny base run-time with bst, hosted on Freedesktop |
Freedreno | Freedreno graphics driver community testing & development |
freedrtools-devel | freedrtools development discussion |
freedrtools-maintainers | Distribution maintainers of freedrtools |
fribidi | 素佛跳墙的做法_素佛跳墙怎么做_美食杰:2021-2-28 · 素佛跳墙的做法,素佛跳墙怎么做请看素佛跳墙的做法步骤图: 用手机查看这篇菜谱 手机扫描右侧二维码,将这篇菜谱带进厨房,让您边做边看!您也可众 下载美食杰手机客户端 > 随时随地看菜谱! |
fribidi-commit | CVS commits to the GNU FriBidi tree |
Ftp-release | freedesktop.org software release announce list |
galago-announce | 佛跳墙的做法_佛跳墙怎么做_杰米287_美食杰:2021-2-1 · 佛跳墙的做法,佛跳墙怎么做请看佛跳墙的做法步骤图: [随意吐槽]谁家有那么大锅啊?酒坛还一定要用绍兴的?还把水烧热倒出,再倒入材料进去煮,这是在给酒坛消毒吗? |
galago-commits | commit messages from Galago |
galago-devel | galago development discussion |
galago-i18n | 佛跳墙的由来_起名字知识_先知词语战略全案:2021-4-8 · 佛跳墙,佛跳墙原名福寿全,它是世间古老而难得的美味。它是一种菜品的名字。为什么取名叫做佛跳墙呢?接下来,先知中国起名网就来跟大家介绍一下佛跳墙的由来。 佛跳墙,始于 |
Games | Games Packaging / Patching / Development list |
佛跳墙v2.1.1 | 佛跳墙ss官网 |
GeoClue | (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) Discussion list for geoclue users and developers |
ghns | Get Hot New Stuff and Desktop Exchange Service |
跳墙vp | [no description available] |
GLU3-announce | [no description available] |
GLU3-devel | Development mailing list for GLU3 library |
Glvnd | 跳墙vp |
gstreamer-android | Discussions about GStreamer on Android |
佛跳墙v2.1.1 | Announcements of GStreamer news and releases |
gstreamer-bugs | bugzilla mails |
gstreamer-commits | git commit notifications |
佛跳墙vnP | Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer |
gstreamer-embedded | 佛跳墙的做法_菜谱_香哈网:佛跳墙的做法 1. 准备食材 2. 鸡腿鸡脚和排骨飞水去血沫后,放入高压锅,加入一砂锅的水,煮沸20分钟,这期间可众处理其他食材 3. 小白花胶加姜片煮沸捞起,换冷水泡发20分钟左右,剖片清洗花胶、洗净鱼 … |
佛 跳墙 | Discussions and patches concerning gst-openmax |
hal | 佛跳墙v2.1.1 |
hal-commit | HAL commit notification |
HarfBuzz | 济南“佛跳墙”雕像修复后或重上墙 走红后被拆-搜狐新闻:2021-1-25 · 佛跳墙的做法 济南佛跳墙图片 彩民车牌号投注中3.9万 双色球148期开奖:头奖11注666万 徐州小伙中得639万大奖 体彩摇奖 |
佛跳墙v2.1.1 | 聚春园佛跳墙酒楼(福州市) - 餐厅/美食点评 - Tripadvisor:2021-11-24 · 聚春园佛跳墙酒楼(福州市): 读读41条条关于聚春园佛跳墙酒楼客观公正的美食点评,在Tripadvisor的5分满分评等中得4分,在福州市的863家餐厅中排第2名。 |
Hw-testing | [no description available] |
I915-ci-infra | DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能开出什么 珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒 ...:2021-3-22 · DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能开出什么呢?还是有很多小伙伴不太清楚的,下面91小编为大家带来一篇攻略,感兴趣的朋友快来看看吧!DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能内容介绍:主要的内容:格陵布拉德宝珠艾肯宝珠阿古朗达 |
igt-dev | Development mailing list for IGT GPU Tools |
immodule-qt | 【獐子岛即食佛跳墙 250g】獐子岛 冷冻佛跳墙 250g 海参 ...:2021-6-15 · 【獐子岛即食佛跳墙 250g】京东JD.COM提供獐子岛即食佛跳墙 250g正品行货,并包括ZONECO SEAFOOD即食佛跳墙 250g网购指南,众及獐子岛即食佛跳墙 250g图片、即食佛跳墙 250g参数、即食佛跳墙 250g评论、即食佛跳墙 250g心得、即食佛跳墙 250g技巧等 ... |
InitKit | Distribution-neutral discussion on D-Bus based Init |
Input-tools | Discussions about libevdev, evtest and evemu |
intel-3d-bugs | Bugzilla spam list for Intel 3D (Mesa) bugs |
Intel-gfx | Intel graphics driver community testing & development |
intel-gfx-bugs | Default bug owner for Intel graphics bugs |
Intel-gfx-trybot | Intel graphics driver testing & development using CI system |
intel-gvt-dev | Intel GVT (Graphics Virtualization) development list |
佛跳墙vnP | kmscon discussion and development |
LDTP-dev | Linux Desktop Testing Project |
libbsd | BSD compatibility library |
libburn | Discussion of development of the Libburn library suite |
Libdlo | DisplayLink Open Source Driver Development |
libmbim-devel | Discussions related to the MBIM protocol and libmbim |
Liboil | [no description available] |
Liboil-commit | [no description available] |
Libopenraw-dev | Discussion about libopenraw development |
libqmi-devel | Discussions related to the QMI protocol and libqmi |
Libre-graphics-meeting | 佛跳墙vnP |
Libre-graphics-meeting-local | [no description available] |
跳墙vp | 佛 跳墙 |
LibreOffice | LibreOffice development and discussions. |
Libreoffice-bugs | [no description available] |
Libreoffice-commits | [no description available] |
Libreoffice-qa | Libreoffice QA list |
Libreoffice-ux-advise | Meeting ground for LibreOffice hackers and UX experts |
Libva | Moved to: http://lists.01.org/mailman/listinfo/intel-vaapi-media |
LightDM | LightDM mailing list |
lima | [no description available] |
mesa-announce | Announcements of new Mesa releases are sent on this list. |
Mesa-ci-intel | [no description available] |
佛跳墙ss官网 | Commits to the Mesa git repository |
佛 跳墙 | For discussion about development of the Mesa code. |
Mesa-maintainers | Discussion about distribution related changes in Mesa |
mesa-stable | 佛跳墙的做法_佛跳墙怎么做_菜谱_美食天下:佛跳墙 倾城韩妆园 佛跳墙 夏雨暮秋 佛跳墙 麦子老妈 佛跳墙 段寻欢 你可能还喜欢 更多 热菜 闽菜 老人 高升鸡翅 泽瑞妈妈 糖醋排骨 黎明GIgi 酥炸金针菇 沙儿飞飞 ... |
mesa-users | For end-user discussion about using Mesa. |
ModemManager-devel | Development discussions about ModemManager |
MPRIS | MPRIS discussion |
nice | libnice mailing list |
Nouveau | Nouveau development list |
Ocs | [no description available] |
ooo-build | ooo-build development and discussions. |
ooo-build-announce | ooo-build and go-oo announcements. |
ooo-build-bugs | ooo-build default bug alias. |
ooo-build-commit | Track commits to ooo-build. |
openchrome-devel | Developer oriented discussion around OpenChrome driver |
openchrome-users | General usage discussions about the OpenChrome drivers |
OpenFontLibrary | Open Font Library |
openicc | Open ICC Color Managment |
p11-glue | 佛跳墙v2.1.1 |
PackageKit | PackageKit users and developers list |
PackageKit-commit | PackageKit git commit list |
Packagemap | Cross-distro package map project |
papyon | Papyon project discussion list |
papyon-bugs | Default assignee for papyon bugzilla |
pchdtv | pchdtv development and user discussion |
pchdtv-commit | commit messages from pchdtv |
Piglit | [no description available] |
Pipewire-devel | [no description available] |
佛跳墙ss官网 | Mailing list for the Pixman rendering library |
pkg-config | [no description available] |
platform | Discussion of the freedesktop.org Platform |
plymouth | DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能开出什么 珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒 ...:2021-3-22 · DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能开出什么呢?还是有很多小伙伴不太清楚的,下面91小编为大家带来一篇攻略,感兴趣的朋友快来看看吧!DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能内容介绍:主要的内容:格陵布拉德宝珠艾肯宝珠阿古朗达 |
Pm-utils | Module to be used to run vendor or distro supplied scripts on suspend and resume. |
polkit-devel | polkit development list |
poppler | PDF rendering library |
佛跳墙vnP | [no description available] |
Portland | [no description available] |
Portland-bugs | [no description available] |
promotion | [no description available] |
pulseaudio-bugs | PulseAudio Bugs |
pulseaudio-commits | PulseAudio GIT Commits |
pulseaudio-discuss | General PulseAudio Discussion |
pulseaudio-maintainers | [no description available] |
Rarian | Documentation meta-data library discussion |
跳墙vp | People working on X software releases |
roadster | Roadster Linux Mapping Software |
Shared-desktop-ontologies | [no description available] |
sitewranglers | Maintainers of the services on this site |
Slirp | [no description available] |
social-pdx | Freedesktop social events in PDX |
佛跳墙ss官网 | 佛 跳墙 |
spice-bugs | [no description available] |
Spice-commits | [no description available] |
Spice-devel | [no description available] |
stsf | Standard Type Services Framework |
stsf-announce | 佛跳墙vnP |
stsf-bugs | Mailing list for bugzilla |
stsf-commit | STSF commit messages |
佛跳墙ss官网 | 佛跳墙的做法大全_佛跳墙的家常做法_怎么做 ...-专题_美食天下:佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。佛跳墙菜的原料有几十种之多:海参、鲍鱼、鱼翅、干贝、鱼唇、鳖裙、鹿筋、鸽蛋、鸭珍、鱼肚、花胶、瑶柱、鸽子、排骨、蛏子、火腿、猪肚、羊肘、蹄尖 |
跳墙vp | 佛跳墙v2.1.1 |
Swfdec-commits | 佛跳墙v2.1.1 |
systemd-bugs | 佛 跳墙 |
佛 跳墙 | systemd Commits Mailing List |
佛 跳墙 | “佛跳墙”是什么意思? - Sogou:2021-9-9 · 佛跳墙的做法 [2]2、鱼唇切成长2厘米、宽4.5厘米的块,放进沸水锅中,加葱段30克、绍酒100克、姜片15克煮10分钟去腥捞出,拣去葱、姜。 3、金钱鲍放进笼屉,用旺火蒸取烂取出,洗净后每个片成两片,剞上十字花刀,盛入小盆,加骨汤250克、绍酒15克,放进笼屉旺火蒸30分钟取出,滗去蒸汁。 |
跳墙vp | Tango project's styleguide, workflows, technical details |
佛 跳墙 | Tools and Clang plugins for GLib development |
telepathy | Cross-desktop unified VOIP/IM framework |
telepathy-bugs | 跳墙vp |
telepathy-commits | Commits to Telepathy real-time communications framework |
跳墙vp | Discussion between Telepathy reviewers |
Terminal-wg | [no description available] |
Test-google | 佛跳墙v2.1.1 |
uim | [no description available] |
uim-bugs | Uim's Bugzilla traffic |
uim-commit | Commit messages for uim |
utf-8 | Discussion of unicode support in free and open source software. |
VDPAU | VDPAU discussion |
virglrenderer-devel | Development list for virgl renderer library. |
virt-gpu | Discussion List about virtualised GPU solutions |
waffle | Discussion for Waffle development and use |
跳墙vp | waimea mailing list |
wayland-bugs | [no description available] |
wayland-devel | Discussion about the wayland display server |
Xcb | [no description available] |
xcb-commit | Git commits to xcb |
xdg | freedesktop.org's standards and specifications |
Xesam | Common search and metadata specification |
xiccd | [no description available] |
xliff-tools | Discussions on XLIFF support in open source localisation |
xpmn-devel | [no description available] |
Zeitgeist-bugs | [no description available] |
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